Tuesday, January 19, 2010

LCRC January Meeting Report

On Monday January 11, the Lonoke County Republican Committee held its first monthly meeting of the new year. Those in attendance had the pleasure of hearing from several elected officials, including State Rep. Davy Carter, and two of the nine Republican candidates for US Senator, State Senators Kim Hendren and Gilbert Baker.

Several local issues were discussed by local officials present. District 12 Justice of the Peace Henry Lang discussed the "double dipping" that recently hit the news by two county officials, a recent audit report showing a county office lost $67, 000, and a deal to be discussed at the next Quorum Court meeting to purchase property from sitting District 3 JP Larry Odom. The potential land deal seemed shady to several members of the committee and will be addressed in a future article announcing the Quorum Court meeting.

District 13 JP Mark Edwards informed the committee the contract for a new county jail had been awarded to a local contractor, GAG Builders of Cabot. Oak Grove Township Constable Vince Scarlata reported that crime was down across Lonoke County last year and, for the first time he could remember, no arrests for DWI were made on New Year's Eve.

District 48 State Representative Davy Carter reported on the upcoming legislative session. He promised that, because Arkansas voters approved this as a budget session, he would vote against any non-budget resolutions that are brought to the floor. Carter stated it may appear that he's voting against some good bills, but worries that bringing non-budgetary bills to the floor will "open a can of worms" that voters in Arkansas did not approve when they voted to hold annual legislative sessions. Carter also informed the committee the Blue Ribbon Highway Commission will be seeking tax increases that he will not support.

Committee members had the privilege of hearing two of the nine announced Republican candidates for Arkansas' US Senate seat this year, State Senators Kim Hendren and Gilbert Baker.

Senator Hendren spoke first, describing his political career and why he believes he'll make the best US Senator of the announced candidates. He first remarked that he is not a skilled politician. Hendren credited this for his off-the-cuff remarks that sometimes cause him grief. He promised he would serve no more than two terms if elected and said "If you don't take care of business you ought to be fired." Hendren said he's always been conservative, and would carry the conservative colors to Washington.

Baker spoke next, promising to stand against the liberal agenda currently pressed in DC and stressing that he could raise the money to mount a successful campaign against Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln this fall. He promised to stand against Card Check, Cap & Trade, and the health care bill. Without mentioning any names, Baker insinuated he is the best candidate because Jim Holt ran against Lincoln in 2004 and lost. He slipped in the fact that his campaign has raised $800,000 to promote himself as the most electable of the 9 candidates.

The Lonoke County Election Commission is looking for a place to set up about six machines to accommodate early voting in the county. Apparently, the City of Cabot is unwilling to provide city facilities for this purpose.

1 comment:

  1. It going to take Gilbert a lot of money to convince people he will become a fiscal conservative if he gets to Washington. Fiscal Conservatism is what this country and the party needs. His voting record on taxes and spending is the worst among the candidates with a voting record in Arkansas who are currently running.

    He has been a government employee his whole life. Great career as a professor a UCA but no time in the trenches of the private sector.

    He is the DC & LR Establishment candidate in this race. He has not been trustworthy in Little Rock with the taxpayers money. The pressure to conform in DC is much higher than in Little Rock-35,000 Lobbyists at least. He has had ten years to prove himself in LR and has not done it as a fiscal matters.

    He has no conservative or Tea Party Credibility because of his fiscal record.

    And yes the Tea Party will matter in this election. We can put our head in the sand and say it doesn't but it already is in other elections around the country.

    BTW, I know him and like him as a person. He has a great family. We need senators who are proven in holding the line on spending, taxes and growth in the government sector.

    Arch Forbes
    Little Rock
