Monday, November 30, 2009

Tonight's Coleman Fundraiser in Cabot Canceled

Curtis Coleman has canceled tonight's scheduled fundraiser in Cabot at Crossroads Cafe. His campaign issued the following statement and promised to reschedule at a later date.

We regret to inform you that the meet-and-greet fundraiser for Curtis Coleman tonight at the Crossroads Cafe in Cabot has been rescheduled to a future date to be determined. There was a misunderstanding with the venue, but the rescheduled event will be at the same location.

We apologize for any inconvenience this is to you, and hope that you'll continue with us in our fight to unseat Blanche Lincoln next year.

The campaign has scheduled a fundraiser in Little Rock at Larry's Pizza tomorrow night from 6:00-8:00 pm. Tickets are $25 per person and more information can be found here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Coleman for Senate Fundraiser in Cabot

*This post does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate by LCRC. The Committee will be happy to announce events for ANY Republican candidate on this blog in an effort to keep the electorate informed.

On Monday, November 30, Republican US Senate candidate Curtis Coleman will hold a fundraiser in Cabot. Tickets are $25 per person.

Event:Lonoke County Arkansas Coleman for Senate Dinner
Start Time:Monday, November 30 at 6:00pm
End Time:Monday, November 30 at 8:00pm
Where:Crossroads Cafe
3472 Hwy 89 South
Cabot, AR 72023

Curtis Coleman is running for the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln (who just voted to move forward with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's version of a government takeover of the US health care system) in 2010.

Download an invitation

Monday, November 23, 2009

RPA Winter Republican Leadership Summit

The Republican Party of Arkansas has announced its Winter Republican Leadership Summit will be held December 5th at the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs. The all day events will include the state committee meeting and grassroots training sessions, but the main event is likely to be the Iowa-style Straw Poll for the Party's candidates to replace US Senator Blanche Lincoln in 2010.

Tickets to the event are $15 per person, but will only be sold in blocks of 10. Anyone can purchase a ticket to attend the events at the summit, but only guests with a current Arkansas driver’s license, a current Arkansas College/University ID, or a current voter registration card, and must be at least 18 years old by November 3rd 2010 will be allowed to vote in the straw poll.

Curtis Coleman is actively seeking your vote in the Straw Poll via Facebook. If you can be a delegate or a delegate captain for Coleman, he asks that you please contact Brandon Scaife at BRANDON.SCAIFE@CURTISCOLEMAN.COM as soon as possible.

Arkansas State Senator Gilbert Baker posted a request for support in the Straw Poll on his Facebook wall and Fred Ramey informed us via Facebook he will also be participating.

Colonel Conrad Reynolds is encouraging his Republican supporters to turn out also. “I look forward to seeing all Republican Senate candidates in Hot Springs and the opportunity to speak to thousands of Arkansans about how we can restore our voice in Washington,” said Reynolds in a September 29 press release.

State Senator Kim Hendren is looking forward to the straw poll as well. "I would like to join the other candidates in asking for folks' to turn out and cast their vote. It should be a good learning experience for all of us," he said in response to our query via his website.

Buddy Rogers told us, "I am participating in the December 5 straw poll to be held in Hot Springs. I encourage my supporters to attend. I will not be buying more than the required number of tickets the event because I can better judge my actual support relying on those supporters who are willing to buy their own tickets from their county committees rather than manufacturing 'support' by buying it. Although I don't expect to win the straw poll, a strong showing will be immensely encouraging."

When asked if he'll be participating, founder of Arkansas Tea Party, Inc. Tom Cox said "Yes. We're looking forward to it." Cox also announced he'll be happy to provide tickets for his supporters who contact his campaign and request them.

With a crowded field of 7 announced Republican candidates already in the race, this a great opportunity to get a feel for where each stands and make your voice heard on who will be the Republican nominee to face Blanche Lincoln in 2010.

Since tickets will only be sold in blocks of 10, please complete the form below if you're interested in attending. We'll contact you to collect for your tickets once we have a group of 10 who desire to attend. We'll then make arrangements to collect payment for your tickets, we'll purchase the tickets, then get them delivered to you. Since tickets are only sold in blocks of 10, we'll need to collect payment in advance and assign groups on a first come, first served basis.

LCRC has not endorsed a candidate in the 2010 race for US Senate and purchasing your ticket through LCRC in no way obligates you to vote for a particular candidate, or in a bloc with others in your group. We are providing this service as a means to make it easier for you to participate in the conference and straw poll, not to solicit support for any particular candidate.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Senate Votes for Gov't-Run Health Care Today!

Today is the day everyone!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has scheduled a vote tonight at 8:00 pm EST on cloture for his version of Obamacare--a government-run health care system in America. Released late Thursday, only 2 days ago, he's already demanding a vote that will ultimately determine whether this bill passes and we're stuck with professional bureaucrats deciding who gets what medical care and when!

Less than 72 hours for Republican Senators and the American public to scour the 2,074 pages in an effort to discover just what chains Senate Democrats seek to bind us with!

With 60 votes tonight, debate on the bill will be limited to 30 more hours and our hope for a successful filibuster will be avoided. This little trick will also enable Senators like Lincoln and Pryor an opportunity to vote for the bill now and against the bill's passage when 60 votes are no longer needed.

They're betting that ordinary folks don't understand the process and they'll be rewarded for voting against the bill's final passage, after they created that loophole for themselves. Pryor and Lincoln believe we're illiterate idiots who will robotically pull the lever for the incumbent when they're up for reelection!

Please call Senator Lincoln and Pryor today and tell them we know what they're up to--AND WE'RE NOT FOOLED!

Let them know a vote for cloture today will guarantee they're ouster when they're up for reelection...2010 for Lincoln, and 2014 for Pryor.

Please don't sit back and assume everyone else will stop this. Grab your phone, get to your keyboard, and let Lincoln and Pryor know they work for us!

Lincoln, Blanche L. - (D - AR) Class III
(202) 224-4843
Web Form:

Pryor, Mark L. - (D - AR) Class II
(202) 224-2353
Web Form:

Please let them know YOU will work to replace them if they vote FOR cloture today!

Here's a sample email you can copy and paste into the Senators' web forms:

Senator Lincoln,

I know (and am informing everyone else I know) that if you vote for cloture tonight, you're giving yourself political cover to vote against this bill when it comes up for final passage.

These types of shenanigans and shell games will no longer work on the American people. We have awakened, we are educating ourselves, and we are beginning to understand how the game in DC is played.

Therefore, if you vote with Reid tonight, I will devote every ounce of available energy to your defeat in 2010.

Please vote with the people of Arkansas tonight, and against Reid's 2,074 page bill.


[Your Name Here]

Senator Pryor,

I know (and am informing everyone else I know) that if you vote for cloture tonight, you're giving yourself political cover to vote against this bill when it comes up for final passage.

These types of shenanigans and shell games will no longer work on the American people. We have awakened, we are educating ourselves, and we are beginning to understand how the game in DC is played.

Therefore, if you vote with Reid tonight, I will devote every ounce of available energy to your defeat in 2014.

Please vote with the people of Arkansas tonight, and against Reid's 2,074 page bill.


[Your Name Here]

Friday, November 20, 2009

Health Care Protest atSenator Lincoln's Office Tonight!

Tonight the Pulaski County Tea Party will be holding a candlelight vigil outside Senator Lincoln's office in Little Rock.

Time: November 20, 2009 from 6pm to 7:30pm
Location: Senator Lincoln's Little Rock office
Organized By: Pulaski County Tea Party
Event Description:
The Pulaski County Tea Party is holding a candlelight vigil on Friday, November 20th from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at Senator Lincoln's office in Little Rock. Please join us in sending Senator Lincoln a message to vote "no" in the upcoming healthcare vote on Saturday. Arkansas has the power to kill the healthcare reform bill in the Senate if Senator Lincoln follows the will of the people. Candles and hot cocoa will be provided. Senator Lincoln's office is at 912 West Fourth Street in Little Rock.

The Senate plans to vote on this monumental government takeover of the health care system on Saturday, hoping to catch the American people off guard as the US House did when it voted on its companion bill, HR 3962.

Please make plans to ensure Senator Lincoln knows you oppose this legislation tonight!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dick Morris to Speak Against Obamacare in Arkansas

Our friends and allies need our help. And we need theirs. This week we have a golden opportunity to join forces with conservatives across Arkansas in standing against the Democrats' intended takeover of our health care system.

Throughout the spring and summer we've seen conservative Americans stand up and stand against the status quo. The Tea Parties and town hall meetings have worked to turn back the tide of radical policy changes pushed through Congress by our Democratic opponents in the wake of last years' elections.

These protests disproved President Obama's hypothesis that his victory, and the accompanying takeover of the US Congress by his party, embodied a mandate for the Socialization of the American economy. Following each unpopular action by the Obama-Reid-Pelosi axis, the crowds increased and their voices grew louder.

Still the Democrats charge ahead with their anti-American agenda.

Last week the US House, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi manning the reins, passed the gargantuan 1,990 page, latest House version of Obamacare--the Democrats' plan for a government takeover of the US health care system. Complete with hundreds of billions in cuts to medicare and hundreds of billions in new taxes, this new bill promises to make the finest health care system in the world less efficient and more expensive for the vast majority of Americans who already have health insurance.

Still, knowing the American people don't want government in charge of the health care system, Democrats in Congress continue to press ahead.

Fortunately, our friends with the Arkansas Tea Party have teamed up with Americans for Prosperity's "Hands of Our Healthcare" bus tour to bring Dick Morris to Little Rock to help build support to stop this unparalleled seizure of private citizens' rights by our government. For those who don't know, Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton who has remained steadfast in his opposition to Obama's plans for Socializing our health care system.

Here is Morris' schedule for stops in Arkansas on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 19-21.

Thursday, November 19th
*12:00 noon, Little Rock, State Capitol, 1 Capitol Avenue
Speakers: Dick Morris, Jim Martin Pres. Of 60 Plus Assoc.
Dr. Kathy Chenault, Teresa Oelke

*2:00 -3:00pm Conway, Simon Park, Front Street, Downtown Conway
Speakers: Dick Morris, Jim Martin Pres. Of 60 Plus Assoc. ,Shawn Danko, Teresa Oelke

*4:30 -5:30pm Hot Springs Village, Balboa Pavilion, 480 Ponce De Leon Dr
Speakers: Dick Morris, Jim Martin Pres. of 60 Plus Assoc., Shawn Danko, Teresa Oelke
Friday, November 20th
*8:30am Heber Springs, (Cleburne County) Stone Courthouse Square, 107 W. Main
Speakers: Jim Martin, Pres. of 60 Plus Assoc., Dr. Kathy Chenault, Shawn Danko, Teresa Oelke

*10:30am Batesville, Riverside Park, 1850 Chaney Dr
Speakers: Jim Martin, Pres. of 60 Plus Assoc., Dr. Kathy Chenault, Shawn Danko, Teresa Oelke

*1:30pm Stone Co, Boone County Court House, 100 N. Main
Speakers: Jim Martin, Pres. of 60 Plus Assoc., Dr. Kathy Chenault, Shawn Danko, Teresa Oelke

*4:30pm Harrison, Boone County Courthouse, 100 N. Main Street
Speakers: Jim Martin, Pres. of 60 Plus Assoc., Dr. Kathy Chenault, Shawn Danko, Teresa Oelke
Saturday, November 21st
* 10:00am Rogers
Office Building west of Embassy Suites in Rogers, , 3333 Pinnacle Hills Park,
Speakers: Mayor Steve Womack, Jim Martin, Pres. of 60 Plus Assoc Teresa Oelke

Please take this opportunity to support our allies in this key fight for our conservative principles and join us at one or more of these rallies against Obamacare.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you... all those who've worn the uniform of the US military services!

Today is veterans day. And although we should be thankful every day for those who serve so that we may be free, this is the day set aside to make certain ALL veterans--those who served four years or thirty plus, those who served in times of peace or times of war, those who came home and those we lost, all those who served in every branch--know they're appreciated and their sacrifice isn't forgotten.

Their reasons for serving are as varied as their backgrounds. They come from every corner of the country--from Los Angeles to New York, from Seattle to Miami, and from all points in between. From all walks of life, they step up to serve--sons and daughters of the poor, the rich, and every step in between. Many come from a long line of veterans and others are the first in their family to answer the call. Some join to get away from something, others join to be a part of something. They are sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers who leave behind everything they know to serve with complete strangers for the benefit of every citizen of these United States of America.

So I ask you this day to thank God for everything you have--your possessions, your family, and your freedom.

Then thank a veteran.

LCRC would like to say a hearty thank you to all veterans! May God bless you and keep you where ever you are.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Flip Flop Blanche Lincoln

Hat Tip: ARRA News Service

Call and email Blanche Lincoln to tell her she represents us. Not the Democratic Party bosses in Washington, DC!

Contact Senator Lincoln and tell her Arkansans don't want Obamacare!

Email Senator Lincoln

Washington, DC
Phone: 202-224-4843

Little Rock, AR
Phone: 501-375-2993

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Where is Marion Berry?

from Boot Berry!

And why is his office not taking calls from concerned constituents today?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has scheduled a vote for 6:00 pm EST today! Not just any vote, but a vote on her 1,990 page "Government Takeover of the US Health Care System" bill, HR 3962. That's right. The bill that...
  • Permits federal taxpayer funding of abortion services, above and beyond the status quo of current law.
  • Provides for a "health care czar" called the Health Choices Commissioner, who could forcibly enroll individuals in government-run insurance and whose tasks include requiring random compliance audits on Americans' health benefits plans.
  • Allows for "community organizations" like ACORN and Planned Parenthood to assist the Health Choices Commissioner in enrolling individuals in the Health Insurance Exchange.
  • Encourages identity fraud for illegal immigrants seeking to gain taxpayer-subsidized health benefits through inadequate citizenship and legal status verification standards. Page 255, Section 345 of H.R. 3962 includes language requiring verification of income for individuals wishing to receive federal health care subsidies, and while the bill currently does include a requirement for applicants to verify their citizenship, it does not include a similar requirement to verify that person's identity, a key component of effective verification.
  • Provides for 13 new and different tax increases, including an employer mandate excise tax.
  • "Grandfathers" out of existence individual health insurance coverage.
  • Retains the "death panels" by providing for bureaucrats working for a new comparative effectiveness institute funded by a tax on health benefits. The institute could publish the protocols needed to deny patients access to life-saving treatments on cost grounds.
  • Contains NO ban on federal promotion of assisted suicide and/or health care rationing of treatments.
  • Facilitates leftist, social engineering policies such as rewriting current tax law to allow domestic partners to be treated as "spouses."
  • Retains both the individual and employer mandates to purchase health insurance or else face a financial penalty, and compliance to this mandate will be enforced by the IRS.
  • Imposes a 2.5% tax on an individual's modified adjusted gross income if they fail to purchase "acceptable" health care coverage.
  • Imposes a surtax, starting in 2011, on "high"-income people - that is, couples with adjusted gross income over $1 million and individuals over $500,000.
  • Fails to hold Members of Congress to the same health care system requirements that Americans will have to live by under the public health insurance option.
  • Prohibits states from using tort reform to reduce health care costs.
  • Mandates that all health insurance companies accept all applicants, that they cannot deny anyone for pre-existing conditions, and that they cannot increase the monthly premiums for less healthy, more costly consumers.
  • Accommodates "whistleblower" provisions for trial lawyers to bring suit against employers.
  • Slashes Medicare payments to providers by more than $400 billion.
  • Creates dozens of new bureaucracies (111 to be exact) including the Health Benefits Advisory Committee and the Health Choices Administration.
  • Encourages people to drop their insurance in favor of the public option as it provides for underpaying medical providers, who will in turn jack up their rates for those patients who have private insurance, driving more people to the cheaper, government plan.
  • Authorizes Medicare to pay doctors for providing advice to patients on end-of-life care.
  • Grants the authority to negotiate drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
  • Considers individuals to be treated as "children" up to the age of 26 for the purpose of remaining on their parents' insurance plan.
  • Imposes an excise tax on medical devices.
  • Cuts $170 billion from the Medicare Advantage program.
  • Institutes $729.5 billion in job-killing tax increases on all Americans, fines those who can't afford to purchase government-forced insurance, and cripples businesses by taxing health benefits.

And calls to Marion Berry's DC office [(202) 225-4076] are routed to a full voice mail box! His Jonesboro phone [(870) 972-4600]is answered by a machine that not only explains they're closed, but that they're gone for a 3 day weekend to celebrate Columbus Day! The number [(501) 843-3043] for his Cabot office is also off for a 3 day weekend! The message on his Mountain Home office phone [(870) 425-3510] informs callers it will be closed from November 9 until November 18.

Not one person is available to hear from you, me, us, or any one of his constituents concerned with his position on a bill that will not only affect us all, but our descendants for generations as well. And he's not available. His taxpayer funded staff is off for a 3 day weekend!

Is he there? Will he vote yea, nay, or present? Who knows?

You can still email him, but who knows if he'll listen. We get nothing more than a canned response to every question we've asked over the past several months.

Is this what you expect of your Representative? If not, if you expect your Representative to make himself available and to be more responsive to constituent concerns, then help us Boot Berry next year!

In the meantime, let him know how you feel when he and his staff decide to pick up the phones.

Washington, DC Office--(202) 225-4076

Jonesboro, AR Office--(870) 972-4600

Cabot, AR Office--(501) 843-3043

Mountain Home, AR Office--(870) 425-3510