Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has scheduled a vote tonight at 8:00 pm EST on cloture for his version of Obamacare--a government-run health care system in America. Released late Thursday, only 2 days ago, he's already demanding a vote that will ultimately determine whether this bill passes and we're stuck with professional bureaucrats deciding who gets what medical care and when!
Less than 72 hours for Republican Senators and the American public to scour the 2,074 pages in an effort to discover just what chains Senate Democrats seek to bind us with!
With 60 votes tonight, debate on the bill will be limited to 30 more hours and our hope for a successful filibuster will be avoided. This little trick will also enable Senators like Lincoln and Pryor an opportunity to vote for the bill now and against the bill's passage when 60 votes are no longer needed.
They're betting that ordinary folks don't understand the process and they'll be rewarded for voting against the bill's final passage, after they created that loophole for themselves. Pryor and Lincoln believe we're illiterate idiots who will robotically pull the lever for the incumbent when they're up for reelection!
Please call Senator Lincoln and Pryor today and tell them we know what they're up to--AND WE'RE NOT FOOLED!
Let them know a vote for cloture today will guarantee they're ouster when they're up for reelection...2010 for Lincoln, and 2014 for Pryor.
Please don't sit back and assume everyone else will stop this. Grab your phone, get to your keyboard, and let Lincoln and Pryor know they work for us!
Lincoln, Blanche L. - (D - AR) Class III 355 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-4843 Web Form: |
Pryor, Mark L. - (D - AR) Class II 255 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-2353 Web Form: |
Please let them know YOU will work to replace them if they vote FOR cloture today!
Here's a sample email you can copy and paste into the Senators' web forms:
Senator Lincoln,
I know (and am informing everyone else I know) that if you vote for cloture tonight, you're giving yourself political cover to vote against this bill when it comes up for final passage.
These types of shenanigans and shell games will no longer work on the American people. We have awakened, we are educating ourselves, and we are beginning to understand how the game in DC is played.
Therefore, if you vote with Reid tonight, I will devote every ounce of available energy to your defeat in 2010.
Please vote with the people of Arkansas tonight, and against Reid's 2,074 page bill.
[Your Name Here]
Senator Pryor,
I know (and am informing everyone else I know) that if you vote for cloture tonight, you're giving yourself political cover to vote against this bill when it comes up for final passage.
These types of shenanigans and shell games will no longer work on the American people. We have awakened, we are educating ourselves, and we are beginning to understand how the game in DC is played.
Therefore, if you vote with Reid tonight, I will devote every ounce of available energy to your defeat in 2014.
Please vote with the people of Arkansas tonight, and against Reid's 2,074 page bill.
[Your Name Here]
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