Friday, January 15, 2010

Vic Snyder to Retire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liberal heads continue to roll.

Last week, Senators Dorgan (D-SD) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) chose to retire rather than run for re-election in the wake of a conservative uprising in America. Their announcements followed the withdrawal of numerous Democrats who were planning to challenge sitting Republicans in 2010 in the House and Senate.

And today the shock waves of the conservative response to the Obamanation of the United States hit Arkansas. Shortly after the left-wing blog Firedoglake released a poll showing Rep. Vic Snyder (D-AR-02) down 17 points to Republican challenger Tim Griffin, Snyder released a statement saying he would not be seeking re-election this year.

Though it comes as no surprise to conservatives that Snyder is in trouble, the announcement was unexpected. Arkansas blogger Jason Tolbert speculates Democrat State Senator Shane Broadway may be interested in seeking the Democrat party's nomination. And other sources have mentioned Democrat Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter may throw his hat into the ring.

Though the poll cited above mentioned only Griffin as a potential challenger, the Republican field for Arkansas' 2nd District seat includes two others who hope to be the next Congressman to represent central Arkansas.

Army veteran David Meeks has been campaigning for the seat since last spring. He's often been seen shaking hands and speaking with voters at Tea Party events around the state. Known for carrying around a printed copy of the infamous HR 3200, the first of the health care bills made available to the public, he's become ll known to Arkansas' new conservative activists. Of Snyder's announcement Meeks said, "I would like to thank Vic Snyder for his years of service both in Congress and in the Military. This will not change our Constitutional Conservative message we have been campaigning on since the beginning."

Central Arkansas businessman Scott Wallace is the third Republican candidate in the race. The restaurant owner is active in the central Arkansas community, serving on several charity boards and volunteering as a reserve deputy sheriff in Pulaski County. Wallace responded to the news of Snyder's retirement on Facebook. His status update said, "The big news, Vic Snyder is retiring. We will just have to see who wants his spot. This will be interesting!! Let's WIN IN 2010!"

Griffin responded in the video seen here, "“We respect his decision and I thank him for his service both in uniform and in Congress.”

On Snyder's decision, Republican Party of Arkansas Chairman Doyle Webb stated, “We thank Congressman Snyder for his many years of public service and wish him and his family well. The Republican Party of Arkansas anticipates the people of the 2nd district will elect a new representative who will reflect their conservative views and values by voting for private sector job creation, reducing taxes, and preserving personal freedoms. Most importantly the people of Arkansas deserve a representative who is committed to defeating such policies as the proposed Obama-Reid-Pelosi healthcare scheme and working against expanding the role of federal government and thereby reducing the national deficit."

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