Letter from RPA Executive Director Chase Dugger:
As the Democratic healthcare scheme moves closer to a final vote, we have one question for Sen. Blanche Lincoln: how will she vote?
As you all remember, last month Blanche Lincoln was the 60th vote to advance the healthcare scheme in the U.S. Senate. She said at the time, “I, along with others, expect to have legitimate opportunities to influence the health care reform legislation that is voted on by the senate later this year.” The problem is she has been silent ever since – refusing to stand up for two-thirds of her constituents who oppose this legislation and voice their concerns.
We all know there is a price tag of nearly $1 trillion associated with the bill. Even Democrats like Arkansas governor Beebe shutter at the cost:
Gov. Mike Beebe (D-AR) Says Dems’ Bill Burdens State With $205 Million In Unfunded Mandates While Arkansas Already In Budget Crisis. “The day before the House approved a $1.2 trillion healthcare proposal, Beebe said his office had determined that it would add $205million to the state’s Medicaid budget by 2015 … he said he was definitely opposed to the price tag it would bring the state. ‘We’re running a pretty tight budget now, and I don’t know where we’d get that,’ Beebe said.”(Andrew DeMillo,” Analysis: Beebe Playing Role In Health Care Debate,” The Associated Press,11/15/09)
Time is running out. The Senate is trying to ram this bill down our throats on Christmas Eve and I’m asking for your help.
Let’s make our voices heard. Everyone who receives this email should call Blanche Lincoln’s office at (202) 224-4843. Our goal is to make sure Blanche Lincoln listens to Arkansans and there is no better way than launching a massive call into her office.
In addition, email her office by clicking here and copy me at communications@arkansasgop.org at the state party and ask her to vote no on the healthcare scheme.
A massive grassroots effort is underway and we need your help.
Thank you for all you do.
Chase Dugger
RPA Executive Director
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