Tuesday, December 22, 2009

2010 GOP Candidates Slam Blanche Lincoln's Dead of Night Vote

After both Democrat Arkansas Senators voted for the unwanted Socialist "Obamacare" bill, it's obviously time to start thinking about the candidates running for Blanche Lincoln's seat next year.

The following is a list of links to statements made by announced candidates for Arkansas' 2010 Senate race in response to Lincoln and Pryor voting for a bill that most Arkansans have made clear they don't want. This vote was intentionally held at 1:00 AM on the Monday morning when many Americans started their Christmas vacations, so all candidates may not yet have had an opportunity to respond. We will update this list as other candidates release statements on the vote against Arkansas values.

State Senator Gilbert Baker

Baker Calls out Lincoln for her Dark-of-Night Vote for Obamacare

Conway, Ark. – “A bad bill passed in the dark of night is still bad in the light of day. Sen. Lincoln had the power to stop this health care bill that will lead to increased taxes, higher health care premiums, cuts to Medicare, and taxpayer-funded abortions, yet she chose to cast the 60th vote needed for passage. Arkansans are now seeing the light; Sen. Lincoln continues to stand with her

liberal allies, not Arkansans. I will never be a swing vote for government-run health care. I support common sense reforms that are deficit neutral and leave medical decisions in the hands of patients and their doctors.”

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Curtis Coleman

Coleman Says Lincoln Guilty of “Grievous Dereliction of Duty”

(LITTLE ROCK, AR – 21 DECEMBER 2009) In the wake of Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s midnight vote to move the Senate version of healthcare legislation to final passage later this week, conservative Republican businessman and U.S. Senate candidate Curtis Coleman accused Lincoln of “grievous dereliction of her duty”.

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Tom Cox

Washington Has Lost It's Way

Last night’s vote solidified for me why I founded the Arkansas Tea Party. These people in Washington have lost their way. They have forgotten why America is the greatest nation in the world. They forgot the principles in which our nation is grounded.

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