Lonoke County came through strong and sent a clear message that conservatism reigns here. Even the local press was forced to concede the local Republican party gave a good old-fashioned beating to its Democrat opposition. But the victory is not yet complete.
GOP candidates defeated Democrats for the offices of County Judge, Sheriff, Assessor, Circuit Clerk, and Prosecuting Attorney. It's safe to say that Lonoke County has now turned red!
But the election isn't over yet. In Cabot, a runoff election will be held to decide the next mayor on November 23. Early voting begins Tuesday, November 16 from 8:30 to 4:30.
There is one Republican candidate in the race, Mickey "Stubby" Stumbaugh. Stumbaugh is the current chairman of the Lonoke County Republican Committee and needs you to be sure and vote in this important race. You can learn more about Stumbaugh and what he will do for Cabot on his website and his Facebook page.

Be sure to help bring true conservative Republican leadership to Cabot and vote Stubby for Mayor in the upcoming runoff!
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