Friday, March 19, 2010

All Arkansas Democrats in Congress Vote For Obamacare!

Oh not directly. But yesterday their "Yea" votes on House Resolution 1190 are, without a doubt, votes for Obamacare. And votes against the will of their constituents in Arkansas!

HR 1190 was a Republican attempt to block Democrats' "Slaughter Solution" (aka "Deem & Pass") that is being considered by Democrats as an end run around the Constitution's Article I, Section 5 requirement for an up or down vote on the Senate's version of Obamacare. Our Democrat Congressmen are so rash, narcissistic, and condescending they believe this unconstitutional tactic to avoid a direct vote on the bill will fool their constituents in Arkansas.

Pelosi and her Democrat allies (all the other 221 Democrats who voted for this resolution) think their constituents are stupid enough to believe yesterday's vote isn't a vote for Obamacare. But voting to avoid a direct vote and consider a bill passed without voting on it can't be considered anything but a "Yea" vote for the bill being avoided. (If that sentence seems a little confusing, it's because we want you to get the idea just how this Democrat play is designed to confound and confuse voters.)

In the last two days calls to Marion Berry's (AR-01)office yielded assurances that he will read the entire bill before voting on it, and no final bill was even out yet. Mike Ross (AR-04) outright lied when he declared his opposition to Obamacare. And Vic Snyder (AR-02) never made any bones about his disdain for his constituents' will. Now this.

Even President Obama admitted yesterday's vote IS a vote for the unpopular Obamacare in his contentious interview with Brett Baier on Wednesday. When asked by Baier if he supported the use of the "Slaughter Rule" he responded,

"What I can tell you is that the vote that's taken in the House will be a vote for health care reform. And if people vote yes, whatever form that takes, that is going to be a vote for health care reform. And I don't think we should pretend otherwise."

*emphasis added

This kind of Democrat shenanigan is exactly the reason we must send a conservative Republican to Congress from the 1st District in November. Doing so will guarantee a vote against Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House and put an end to this chicanery.

Rick Crawford
, one of two GOP candidates for Berry's seat spoke out against this unconstitutional tactic in his blog post, "Crawford Speaks Out Against 'Deem and Pass'."

On a day where a Fox News poll shows only 35% of Americans favor the health care reform bill, Pelosi is attempting to use a tactic dubbed “deem and pass” to push through the Senate’s health care reform bill, without having members of Congress actually vote on the bill. reports this plan is being considered because, “…many House Democrats don’t want to cast a vote in favor of the unaltered Senate bill, which they oppose for numerous reasons.”

Republican central Arkansas businessman Scott Wallace, running for Vic Snyder's 2nd District seat says it's time to "unequivocally say NO to government run health care" and put this issue to rest for good. Wallace's primary opponent Tim Griffin, a US Army reservist and former US attorney, called the vote against this "common sense resolution" a vote for Nancy Pelosi, and against the people of Arkansas. From Griffin's press release:

“It is clear Arkansans must elect a new conservative majority to Congress in 2010. More importantly, we need to elect conservative leaders who will represent our values, not Speaker Pelosi’s, and work for the people of Arkansas, not against them."

Garland County Tea Party President and GOP candidate for Mike Ross' seat in the 4th District, Glenn Gallas slammed all three Arkansas Democrat congressmen in his press release. Gallas says,

" [Ross] allowed the bill to go forward to the detriment of his constituents to please Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. When the Republicans moved to stop the “Slaughter Rule”, Mike Ross, Vic Snyder, and Marion Berry, voted along their party line as they often do, shooting down the chance of stopping the Slaughter rule, thereby permitting the Obama Health Care bill to move forward..."

These Arkansas turncoats can't hide behind the dishonest Democrats' devious tactics.

They voted for the bill, they voted for Obamacare, and they voted against the will of their constituents in Arkansas!

Help us remove Nancy Pelosi's gavel as Speaker of the House by electing conservative Republicans this fall!

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