There's little doubt our Socialist President, Barack Hussein Obama, hoped his health care summit would would change Americans' minds.
Remember? After lecturing us all summer last year on all the great things a Socialized system would do for us, Obama remained convinced we didn't know enough about his planned government takeover of another 1/6 of the US economy. After the election of Republican Scott Brown to the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy, President Obama told us we just didn't understand what he's trying to do for (to?) us. So he decided it was up to him to educate us.
Earlier this month, the President told his supporters
“What I’d like to do is have a meeting where I’m sitting with the Republicans, sitting with the Democrats. Sitting with health care experts. And let’s just go through these bills. Their ideas, our ideas, let’s walk thought them in a methodical way so the American people can see and compare. What makes the most sense. And then I think we’ve got to go ahead and move forward on a vote.”
Thursday, he did sit down. He did have his meeting. And the results weren't what our narcissistic Socialist President envisioned.
Yesterday, one day after Obama sat down with Republicans and Democrats, live on CSPAN, the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking poll showed the President's approval rating hit a new low. And today, it's dipped even lower!
Presidential Approval Index = -21%
Total Approve = 43%
Total Disapprove = 55%
Total Approve = 43%
Total Disapprove = 55%
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Because this poll is based on a three-day rolling average with data collected nightly, two thirds of responses for today's poll were collected after the televised summit. Even though Obama and Congressional Democrats were allowed more than twice as much time to make their case, this poll shows American voters don't like and DON'T WANT Obamacare!
Columnists and commentators from both ends and the middle of the political spectrum seemed to think Republicans landed the most punches in the match on Thursday and this poll confirms their initial calls.
We the people are informed, we are educated, and we understand what Obama and his Socialist pals want. WE DON'T WANT OBAMA'S SOCIALIST SOLUTION!
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