Sunday, February 28, 2010
Keet Challenges Beebe to "Duel of Ideas"
Keets' address targeted the group of gun rights' advocates by emphasizing his status as the owner of numerous firearms and a concealed carry permit holder. He promised those attending that he is and always will be a strong supporter of the right to keep and bear arms.
Keets didn't address incumbent Governor Mike Beebe's position on the 2nd Amendment, but he did challenge the governor to a "pistol shooting match with your choice of a .44 magnum or a .357 magnum. And also, I want to challenge you to a duel of ideas about Arkansas' future."
Jim Keet Announces Run for Arkansas Governor

Former Republican State Senator and businessman Jim Keet announced today his candidacy for Arkansas Governor. Keet plans to formally announce his run for Governor during a five city tour of Arkansas on Tuesday, March 2nd, where he will visit Jonesboro, El Dorado, Little Rock, Fort Smith and Bentonville. Next week, Keet will also visit Texarkana, Fayetteville, Springdale, Pine Bluff, Hot Springs and West Memphis. Times and locations for the “Jim Keet for Arkansas Governor Announcement Tour” to be released on Monday.
Jim Keet says: “My top priorities for Arkansas include establishing creative methods to develop our state as one of the nation’s leading business-friendly environments, advancing literacy initiatives at every age and reforming Arkansas’ tax structure to fuel job creation.”
“If President John F. Kennedy can start a process which put a man on the moon within one decade, surely together we can accomplish the following:
- Reposition the Arkansas literacy rate within the top five states by 2019.
- Revise the Arkansas tax code so as to attract both small and large businesses from outside the state’s borders. Encourage existing Arkansas companies to remain here rather than fleeing the state which deprives our businesses of the seed capital they need to grow and prosper.
- Continue working on the prevention of drug abuse which has a devastating impact on Arkansas families and contributes to the overcrowding problem within our prison system. The drug problem and high unemployment are inextricably linked to the problems we have with a prison system that is bursting at the seams.
- Appoint a bipartisan commission to be styled after the military base reduction effort at the national level. The commission would eliminate waste by looking into the efficacy and need for various boards, commissions and staffing levels within our government.”
Jim Keet worked his way through SMU where he graduated with honors in 1971. He received a bachelor's degree in business administration, majoring in finance and minoring in real estate finance.
Jim Keet is the President of Taziki’s Restaurant in Little Rock, Arkansas and former President and CEO of Barnhill’s Buffet. In 1975, Keet joined Gerald Hamra to bring Wendy’s to Arkansas. During the next eleven years, the company developed, owned and operated twenty-seven Wendy's and Sisters' restaurants in Arkansas and Texas, with more than 1,200 employees. The company received numerous awards from Wendy's International, including the Founders Award as the nations top Wendy's franchise. During that time, Wendy's of Little Rock was recognized by numerous civic organizations for their charitable endeavors.
In 1988, Keet was elected to the Arkansas House of Representatives and was then elected to the Arkansas State Senate in 1992. During his time in the State House and Senate, Keet worked tirelessly to increase literacy rates, fight the exploding drug problem and also authored the strongest “two strikes and you’re out” violent offender statute in America.
Keet has served on more than 20 civic and charitable boards and commissions including Arkansas Children's Hospital, the Arkansas Literacy Commission, Arkansas Easter Seals, the Arkansas Council on Economic Education, and Arkansas for Drug Free Youth Advisory Board. He also served on the boards of the YMCA, Arkansas Literacy Councils, and the United Negro College Fund Advisory Board.
Keet has received various awards and honors including The Arkansas National Humanitarian Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the FBI Community Service Award, the Outstanding Arkansas fund-raiser Award from the National Association of Fund Raising Executives, and an Outstanding Legislator Award from the Arkansas Education Association.
He has been married to Margaret Keet for thirty-eight years and they have four children, Tommy, Chase, Jake and Cassie as well as two grandchildren, Holden Keet and Haskins Crocker.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Obama’s Health Care Summit Backfired!
There's little doubt our Socialist President, Barack Hussein Obama, hoped his health care summit would would change Americans' minds.
Remember? After lecturing us all summer last year on all the great things a Socialized system would do for us, Obama remained convinced we didn't know enough about his planned government takeover of another 1/6 of the US economy. After the election of Republican Scott Brown to the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy, President Obama told us we just didn't understand what he's trying to do for (to?) us. So he decided it was up to him to educate us.
Earlier this month, the President told his supporters
“What I’d like to do is have a meeting where I’m sitting with the Republicans, sitting with the Democrats. Sitting with health care experts. And let’s just go through these bills. Their ideas, our ideas, let’s walk thought them in a methodical way so the American people can see and compare. What makes the most sense. And then I think we’ve got to go ahead and move forward on a vote.”
Thursday, he did sit down. He did have his meeting. And the results weren't what our narcissistic Socialist President envisioned.
Yesterday, one day after Obama sat down with Republicans and Democrats, live on CSPAN, the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking poll showed the President's approval rating hit a new low. And today, it's dipped even lower!
Total Approve = 43%
Total Disapprove = 55%
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Because this poll is based on a three-day rolling average with data collected nightly, two thirds of responses for today's poll were collected after the televised summit. Even though Obama and Congressional Democrats were allowed more than twice as much time to make their case, this poll shows American voters don't like and DON'T WANT Obamacare!
Columnists and commentators from both ends and the middle of the political spectrum seemed to think Republicans landed the most punches in the match on Thursday and this poll confirms their initial calls.
We the people are informed, we are educated, and we understand what Obama and his Socialist pals want. WE DON'T WANT OBAMA'S SOCIALIST SOLUTION!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Candidate Filing Period: 3/1-3/8
Candidates for municipal, district, and township offices may file at the Lonoke County Courthouse from 12 noon on 3-1-10 until 12 noon on 3-8-10.
LCRC has set the following filing fees for the 2010 election cycle.
Office Filing Fee Circuit Clerk $300.00 City Clerk $ 75.00 City Treasurer $ 75.00 Constable $ 10.00 County Clerk $300.00 County Committee Member $ 30.00 County Coroner $150.00 County Judge $300.00 County Surveyor $ 25.00 County Tax Assessor $300.00 County Tax Collector $300.00 County Treasurer $300.00 Justice of the Peace $ 75.00 Lonoke City Attorney $ 75.00 Lonoke/England Alderman $ 75.00 Lonoke/England Mayor $150.00 Municipal Offices $ 75.00 Sheriff $300.00
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Reynolds to host BBQ at RPA's Sarah Palin event
Reynolds to host Blue Collar Republican Barbeque
Conrad Reynolds says “Our Republican Party is at a crossroads. We are poised for perhaps the biggest political comeback since the 1994 midterm elections. Americans, Arkansans are frustrated and disillusioned with career politicians and politics as usual. The voters are looking for an brave new alternative vision. The Republican Party must supply that vision. We must provide voters with more than rhetoric and platitudes. Now is the time for twice the action and half the talk, and that's why I am running for US Senate.”
“Reagan, Eisenhower and Abraham Lincoln understood what a great honor and privilege it is to serve the people of this great nation. And so do I, because it’s what I have done with my life for the past three decades and it will be what I will do with my life until the day I die. It's an honor to serve the people of Arkansas. And I want to do just that on Tuesday. These are tough economic times, so I am holding a free barbeque tailgate party before the Sarah Palin event for those everyday folks that might not have the resources to attend the $500 per person reception or the $175 for the dinner but they want to be involved.”
“Service to our fellow citizens is one my core beliefs and I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves to help people. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done, whatever it takes to get this country, this state and this party back on track. You have my word on it.”
Please check out our new YouTube video message to veterans, veteran’s families and active duty military personnel.
Give us a call or send us an email if you would like to volunteer or contribute to the campaign.
*LCRC does not endorse any candidate until after the primary election. This post is for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes an endorsement by the LCRC. LCRC will post press releases from any Republican candidate who submits them to .
Saturday, February 13, 2010
RPA Newsletter 2-13-10
The conservative movement taking place in Arkansas is impacting our great state in positive and productive ways. Senator Blanche Lincoln currently has a 62% disapproval rating and today she is seen as the most vulnerable Democrat in the Senate Let’s take a look at her dwindling popularity…
August 26, 2009 - Arkansas Sen. Lincoln's Approval Slump Continues
“Democrat Blanche Lincoln will have to address a serious popularity slump back home as she gears up her 2010 bid for a third Senate term in Arkansas. Lincoln held a 36 percent job approval rating, to 44 percent disapproval, in an Aug. 21-24 Public Policy Polling survey of Arkansas voters. CQ Politics rates the general election race as Democrat Favored.”
January 11, 2010 - New Levels of Vulnerability for Reid and Lincoln
“The decision of Connecticut Sen. Christoper J. Dodd to retire in the face of an increasingly bleak re-election outlook shifted attention to two other Democratic senators fighting for their political lives in 2010 – Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas. Given these developments, the fact that both senators start the year trailing in general election match-ups in the most recent polls and the deepening political crisis facing Democrats, CQ-Roll Call is changing the race ratings to Tossup, from Leans Democrat, the most competitive ranking in the system.”
February 12, 2010 - Lincoln: No 1 in Vulnerability?
Sen. Blanche Lincoln appears to be on her way to earning the dubious title of most vulnerable Senate incumbent of the 2010 cycle.
“The moderate Arkansas Democrat has become a top target of national Republicans in 2010, especially after Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) announced in early January he was not to going to seek re-election. Meanwhile Lincoln’s weakness at home, which has been reinforced by multiple recent polls, has drawn some of the state’s best known Republicans into the race. Given these developments and the worsening of the political mood for Democrats, CQ Politics is changing the rating of the Arkansas Senate race from Tossup to Leans Republican.”
The people of Arkansas deserve a Senator who is willing to stand up for Arkansans in Washington! Let’s continue working together to help conservatives win in 2010!
“Arkansas Welcomes Sarah Palin” is just days away! If you want to take part in one of the biggest conservative gatherings the state of Arkansas has ever seen, get your tickets now:
Republican Party of Arkansas - p: (501) 372-7301 | f: (501) 372-1656Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Crawford for Congress Announces Campaign Headquarters Grand Opening
JONESBORO - First District Congressional candidate, United States Army veteran, and agri-business owner Rick Crawford will be holding the grand opening of the Crawford for Congress Campaign Headquarters this Saturday, February 13th, from 10am until Noon.
The headquarters, which is located at 1920 S. Church Street in Jonesboro, signifies another step forward in the Crawford for Congress Campaign. "I am excited about formally opening our campaign headquarters to the people of the First Congressional District," said Crawford. "I want to extend an open invitation to anyone who is interested in learning more about my campaign to come by and visit with me at anytime."
Crawford, who will also be holding a press conference to discuss the progress his campaign has made since the retirement of Marion Berry, will be on hand to visit with those in attendance and discuss his campaign in detail.
Parking will be available both immediately in front of the campaign headquarters as well as the adjacent parking lot by Wells-Fargo Mortgage and Gracy's Cafe. Additional parking may be found across Church Street in the Walgreens parking lot.
*LCRC does not endorse any candidate until after the primary election. This post is for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes an endorsement by the LCRC. LCRC will post press releases from any Republican candidate who submits them to .
House GOP Leaders Press White House to Allow Governors, State Legislators to Join Health Care “Summit”
Noting that legislation to “opt out” of Obamacare has been introduced in 36 states, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) have sent a letter to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel asking that the invitation to the planned Feb. 25 health care “summit” at the White House be extended to the nation’s governors and state legislators.
“Will the President be inviting officials and lawmakers from the states to participate in this discussion?” Boehner and Cantor asked Emanuel. “As you may know, legislation has been introduced in at least 36 state legislatures, similar to the proposal just passed by the Democratic-controlled Virginia State Senate, providing that no individual may be compelled to purchase health insurance. Additionally, governors of both parties have raised concerns about the additional costs that will be passed along to states under both the House and Senate bills.”
In a statement released Monday night, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs criticized the Boehner-Cantor letter, but did not address the question of whether state officials would be given a role in the Feb. 25 event.
“One of the fundamental problems with the approach the Obama Administration has taken to health care is that it seems rooted in a Washington-knows-best mentality. Excluding the voices of America’s governors and state legislators from the proposed ’summit’ would compound this error,” Boehner said. “There’s a revolt going on in the states right now against the bills Washington Democrats are trying to impose on America. The White House may want to pretend the revolt isn’t happening, but it’s real.”
Boehner and Reps. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Mike Rogers (R-MI) last year launched the GOP State Solutions project, an initiative aimed at highlighting solutions put forth by reform-minded governors and state officials outside the Beltway. Through the State Solutions project, House Republicans have been working with state officials, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and grass-roots activists to advance state-level legislation declaring individual citizens’ freedom against intrusive health care mandates from the federal government.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
LCRC February Meeting 2-8-10
*Please join us next month*
The Lonoke County Republican Committee will hold its regular monthly meeting tomorrow at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Grandpa's BBQ on 2nd St.
Come early to enjoy some great food and company!
Click below to download a copy of last month's minutes and the agenda for tomorrow's meeting. For a map to the meeting location click here.
January Minutes
February Agenda
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sarah Palin is Coming to Central Arkansas!

from the Republican Party of Arkansas
The political landscape in Arkansas is rapidly changing right before our eyes. Within the past month, we have witnessed the retirement of two United States Congressmen, the dwindling popularity of Blanche Lincoln and the explosion of conservative movements all across our great state and nation. The Republican Party of Arkansas appreciates your support and hopes you will help us restore transparency, individual liberty and fiscal sanity within our government.
We also don’t want you to miss out on an opportunity to see Gov. Sarah Palin live at Verizon Arena on February 16 at 7:30 p.m.
2010 is an important election year for Arkansas, and purchasing a ticket for “Arkansas Welcomes Sarah Palin” is a contribution to help conservatives win in 2010!
General Admission tickets are $35 and $65 and can be purchased online through Ticketmaster:
Tickets may also be purchased by visiting the Verizon Arena Box Office in North Little Rock, AR.
For dinner tickets and tables, please call the RPA headquarters at 501-372-7301!
We thank you for supporting the RPA and hope to see you on Feb. 16 as we welcome Sarah Palin to Arkansas.
Sen. Gilbert Baker: Washington isn't listening!
*LCRC does not endorse any candidate until after the primary election. This post is for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes an endorsement by the LCRC. LCRC will post press releases from any Republican candidate who submits them to .
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Boehner: GOP has better solutions
Leader Boehner noted that:
"Last week in his State of the Union, President Obama challenged critics of his trillion-dollar government takeover of health care to show him a better plan. I raised my hand.
"Because the fact is, Republicans have offered common-sense solutions to give Americans the health care reform they want. In fact, weve offered the only health care plan that will lower premiums by up to 10 percent.Incredibly, at a town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire just yesterday, President Obama was back to peddling the same old myth that Republicans are the party of “no ideas.” Just days after acknowledging repeatedly on live national television that Republicans have offered alternative solutions on the major issues - and that he has read them - the President stood before a partisan audience and said:
"Whether the topic has been on health care, the budget, energy or putting Americans back to work, Republicans have stuck with our principles, listened to the people, and offered better solutions to the challenges families and small businesses are facing every day."
"[W]hat I’ve done is I’ve said to the Republicans, show me what you’ve got. You’ve been sitting on the sidelines criticizing what we’re proposing… So here’s my thing: You got a better idea?"With all due respect Mr. President, House Republicans do have better solutions. In fact, just last week, at the Republican retreat in Baltimore on January 29, the President said of House Republicans better solutions:
"I suspect I will embrace some of them. Some of them I’ve already embraced….I’ve read your legislation. I take a look at this stuff….Actually I’ve gotten many of your ideas. I’ve taken a look at them….I’ve read it. I can tell you what’s in it."What accounts for the disconnect between the president’s reportedly off-the-cuff comments last week in Baltimore, and his rhetoric in New Hampshire yesterday? One can only conclude that in the eyes of senior White House partisans, the president had an “off-message” moment last week in acknowledging that the GOP has put forth serious alternatives - and the White House staff is now desperate to get the boss back onto the Democrats’ discredited “party of no ideas” talking points.
Last year, following Leader Boehner’s vow that Republicans “will not just be the party of opposition, but the party of better solutions,” House Republicans formed “solutions groups” in key policy areas, including the GOP Economic Recovery Solutions Group, chaired by Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), and the GOP American Energy Solutions Group, chaired by Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN). The GOP solutions groups went on to produce detailed legislative alternatives that were presented throughout to President Obama, members of his administration, and the Democratic leadership in Congress over the course of 2009. The summaries of these legislative alternatives are compiled in Better Solutions, a document that which covers GOP reform proposals on everything from jobs and health care to government spending and transparency.
The Better Solutions document and other information on GOP reform alternatives is available at