Sunday, January 31, 2010

Col. Conrad Reynolds message to veterans

Dear Friends,Supporters and Veterans,

Please check out this new video message to Veterans, Active Duty Military, families of veterans and patriotic Americans from the best US Senate Candidate , Col. Conrad Reynolds.

Here's a link. It's on YouTube. Please watch it and rate it 5 STARS!

You can certainly give money if you like. But a 5 star rating is just fine. Help us send a good honest man to Washington.

We know that many of you would like to help the campaign. You can start by forwarding this video to as many people in your contact lists as possible.

If you would like to volunteer, please call us at 501-205-4900 9am-9pm everyday. We'll be opening the first of many call centers around the state in Mountain Home in a couple of weeks. We're looking for space in NW Arkansas for our next call center. And we have a big list of items that folks can loan us or donate to the campaign. Call us for details.

Thank you,

Roman Schroeder
Operations Officer
Col. Conrad Reynolds for US Senate

*LCRC does not endorse any candidate until after the primary election. This post is for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes an endorsement by the LCRC. LCRC will post press releases from any Republican candidate who submits them to .

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Republican Weekly Address 1/30/2010

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) delivers the weekly address for the GOP. Collins does an excellent job poking holes in the Obama administration's handling of the Christmas day attempted terror attack on US citizens. The failures of that day illuminate the glaring weaknesses in the President's approach to combating terrorism in general.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Victory over the Political Machine

by Newt Gingrich

"If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."

These are the words of Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority in a historic Supreme Court decision that began with a man, a movie, and a message that bothered the bureaucratic Washington machine.

In January of 2008, as the Democratic presidential primaries between Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) were raging, filmmaker Dave Bossie set about advertising and distributing his 90-minute documentary "Hillary: The Movie." (Full disclosure: Callista and I host and produce movies with Dave.)

The film offered a critical look at the New York senator then vying for the presidency. But Bossie was stunned when government officials from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) told him the film couldn't be aired or even advertised. Their reason? Sen. Clinton was a candidate for federal office, so Bossie's film was illegal under campaign finance law.

Bossie's production company, Citizens United, sued, claiming its First Amendment right to free speech was being denied by the government. And the Supreme Court decision announced last week was not only a vindication of the free speech rights of all Americans, it was a significant step toward dismantling the incumbent-protecting political machine created by bureaucratic campaign finance "reforms" like McCain-Feingold.

By declaring that government has no business suppressing the political speech of groups like Citizens United, the Supreme Court has begun to make it easier for middle class candidates to take on the rich and the powerful.

The Bureaucratic, Anti-Freedom Model of Campaign Finance Was Wrong

Citizens United v. FEC is one more piece of evidence that the model of bureaucratic campaign finance reform – of government restricting the freedom of Americans to criticize politicians rather than maximizing our freedom to question our leadership – was wrong.

The Founders understood the importance of the unfettered right of citizens to complain about their government. They recognized the danger of politicians controlling or censoring the debate about themselves. That's why they wrote in the First Amendment to the Constitution that "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech."

These words and this right have been stunningly perverted by laws like McCain-Feingold, which was explicitly a case of Congress making a law abridging our freedom of speech – of incumbent politicians attempting to censor the people's discussion of whether they should remain in office.

Government Can't Limit the Ability of Associations of Citizens to Spend in Campaigns

Citizens United was a great victory for free speech because it declared that government can't limit the right of corporations and unions – the "associations of citizens" Justice Kennedy refers to above – from spending freely to support or oppose candidates in elections.

It struck down the part of the McCain-Feingold law that censored corporate-funded political ads within 60 days of federal elections and within 30 days of primaries.

Although it left in place the prohibition on corporate donations directly to candidates and on the ability of corporations to coordinate their activities with candidates, it reversed an earlier high court ruling that allowed government to prevent corporations, nonprofits and unions from spending money independently to influence the outcome of an election.

Making it Easier for Middle Class Candidates to Take on Incumbents

The near-hysterical reaction of proponents of bureaucratic campaign finance laws such as big money fund raiser and incumbent Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) that the decision is "un-American" and "a threat to our democracy" are exactly wrong.

Laws like McCain-Feingold give incumbent politicians in Washington tremendous advantages over middle-class citizen challengers. Incumbents have literally millions of dollars worth of taxpayer-funded staff, traveling and mailing privileges.

And thanks to McCain-Feingold imposed limits on what individuals can contribute to candidates, rich politicians who can spend unlimited amounts of their own money and don't have to worry about raising money in small amounts have a tremendous advantage.

Former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine (D) used his personal fortune from Goldman Sachs to first buy a Senate seat and then the governorship. And New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg would have been defeated by a virtual unknown last November if he hadn't been able to spend his millions.

Citizens United v. FEC doesn't threaten our democracy. It strengthens it by making it easier for middle-class candidates to compete against the wealthy and incumbents.

Real Reform Would Be Unlimited Donations Posted on the Internet

But as significant as it was, the Court's decision wasn't real campaign finance reform.

Real reform under our Constitution will only come when Americans and associations of Americans are allowed to give unlimited amounts of after-tax money to the candidates and campaigns of their choice.

Donors should be given this freedom and required to post on the Internet every night what they're spending and how they're spending. That way, voters would know who is funding whom, and how much. Armed with that knowledge, Americans can be trusted to make an informed, truly democratic choice.

Predictably, just the prospect of voters making such a free and informed choice has the Washington establishment machine up in arms.

Can We Trust the American People Mr. President? Yes, We Can.

In a breathtaking display of hypocrisy, President Obama used his weekly radio address last week to pledge to work with Congress to reverse the decision and declared: "I can't think of anything more devastating to the public interest. The last thing we need to do is hand more influence to the lobbyists in Washington or more power to the special interests to tip the outcome of elections" (emphasis added).

This, from the president who negotiated back-room deals with special interests in order to force Democratic health care reform on the American people.

This, from a president whose massive expansion of government into the private sector has set off a stampede of lobbyists to Washington to claim their piece of the taxpayers' pie.

But even more glaring than the hypocrisy is the obvious contempt that supporters of bureaucratic campaign finance have for the American people.

Ultimately, the question comes down to one of trust. Can we trust the people, and not the government, to determine our political future? The answer, Mr. President, is a familiar one:

"Yes we can."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Republican Weekly Address 1/23/2010

WASHINGTON, DC – Delivering the weekly Republican address, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) provides a prebuttal to President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union address. Boehner says Republican Scott Brown’s victory in the Massachusetts special election gives Washington Democrats a choice: work with Republicans to create jobs and get our economy moving again or double down on the job-killing policies that are making matters worse. Boehner also outlines Republicans’ better solutions to address today’s challenges, including a no-cost jobs plan and the only health care bill that would lower premiums up to 10 percent. The transcript of Leader Boehner’s address follows the video below

“I’m House Republican Leader John Boehner.

“I’m speaking to you from the Capitol, where next week, President Obama will deliver his first State of the Union address.

“This is a fitting time to pause and take stock of where we are.

“Nearly a year ago, the President signed into law a trillion-dollar ‘stimulus’ with promises that jobs would be created ‘immediately’ and that unemployment would stay below eight percent.

“Since then, roughly three million Americans have lost their jobs while red ink and bailouts have piled up as far as the eye can see.

“My home state of Ohio has endured nine straight months of double-digit unemployment. And for the better part of those nine months, Democrats in Washington have been focused on this government takeover of health care that working families just can’t afford and want nothing to do with.

“This is what happens when government overreaches and stops listening to the people. Washington Democrats believe government knows best how to spend your hard-earned money. Democrats believe we’re just one new tax, one more czar, and one giant bureaucracy away from solving all of your problems.

“That’s not the America that I know growing up with 11 brothers and sisters as the son of a bar owner. And as I travel the country, I meet a lot of people who feel the same way.

“For months now, a political rebellion has been brewing – one born from the American people’s opposition to greater government control over our economy and their lives.

“That rebellion propelled Republican Scott Brown to victory in this week’s Massachusetts special election.

“Scott’s win in the bluest of blue states gives us new hope that common sense will prevail. That maybe now, the hard work and entrepreneurship of the American people will no longer be stifled by Washington Democrats’ costly, job-killing agenda, an agenda Republicans have stood on principle and fought tooth and nail against.

“But we know better. We know that Washington Democrats will pull out all the stops to try and shove through this government takeover of health care, with its Medicare cuts and tax hikes. If there’s a sweetheart deal that needs to be cut, Democrats will cut it. And if there’s a vote that needs to be bought, they’ll buy it.

“Haven’t we had enough of government propped up on payoffs and pork-barrel spending? Haven’t we had enough of the same-old, us-vs-them politics that uses yesterday’s battles to distract us from today’s problems? We’re all in this together, and we need positive, forward-looking solutions to bring us together.

“So for families asking ‘where are the jobs,’ Republicans have offered common-sense solutions to help small businesses invest and hire new workers. We’ve also put forward a responsible budget blueprint that makes the tough spending choices that others just talk about.

“And on health care, Republicans have proposed the only bill that would lower premiums by up to 10 percent. And we do this by implementing some smart, common-sense reforms – whether it’s letting families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines or ending the junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs.

“And we get the job done without cutting Medicare or raising your taxes.

“These solutions aren’t being devised behind closed doors with special interests having the final say. We’re soliciting feedback on Facebook and Twitter. We’re working with governors and mayors every day to develop the best ideas. All of the details are available at

“President Obama and Democrat leaders in Washington now have a choice: work with Republicans to get our nation back on its feet, or double down on the job-killing policies that are making matters worse.

“So at the State of the Union, we’ll listen to what the President has to say. But make no mistake: if the powers that be in Washington keep turning their backs on the people, Republicans will continue to challenge the status quo and offer better solutions.

“Our fight for reform, for freedom, and for common sense is far from over.

“Thanks for listening.”

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Coleman wins big in 3rd District GOP straw poll

With nearly the entire population of Arkansas announcing their candidacy to run against Blanche Lincoln in November, surpising things are going to happen.

According to Curtis Coleman's campaign, today in the only Republican stronghold in the state of Arkansas Coleman won a resounding victory against all opponents. Taking 43% of the 101 votes in the 3rd District Republican straw poll, he received more than twice the votes of his nearest opponent State Senator Gilbert Baker who took 20%.

The following is a press release from the Coleman campaign:

( FAYETTEVILLE , AR – 23 JAN 2010 Conservative Republican U.S. Senate candidate Curtis Coleman was awarded a victory by grassroots workers and party activists at the 3rd Congressional District’s Republican Straw Poll.

Coleman received 43 percent of the 101 votes cast, followed by state Senator Gilbert Baker, 20 percent; and Randy Alexander, 9 percent.

“I am honored by the confidence expressed in me by these leaders of the Republican Party of Arkansas,” Coleman said. “I will not waver, I will not quit and I will not let you down in this fight to protect our fundamentals of freedom.”

Eight of the nine candidates attended the two-day events in Fayetteville , Ark. and participated in a candidate’s forum.

Curtis Coleman is Cofounder and former President and Chief Executive Officer of Safe Foods Corporation. Founded in January 1999, the Arkansas company is helping make food safer on four continents. Coleman stepped aside from his position as CEO of Safe Foods in September 2009 to focus 100% of his time on his campaign to represent Arkansas in the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D).

*LCRC does not endorse any candidate until after the primary election. This post is for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes an endorsement by the LCRC. LCRC will post press releases from any Republican candidate who submits them to .

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Coleman Calls Brown Win Part of "Triple Crown Victory"

The following is a press release from Curtis Coleman's campaign:

(LITTLE ROCK, AR – 20 JANUARY 2010) Calling it part of a “Triple Crown victory for all Americans”, Curtis Coleman, conservative Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, congratulated Republican Senator-elect Scott Brown on his historic come-from-behind victory in Massachusetts. “Scott Brown’s victory in the Democratic bastion of Massachusetts gives enormous impetus to the snow-balling momentum building across the country to return to elected officials who actually listen to and faithfully represent the wishes and views of their constituents,” Coleman said.

“This is a Triple Crown victory with McDonnell / Christy / Brown. Arkansans will contribute to this celebration on November 2 when they make it a grand slam home run with McDonnell/Christy/Brown and Coleman.”

“We must remember that this is not just about winning elections,” he said. “This is about stopping Washington’s out-of-control spending and reducing the size and cost of government. This is about making healthcare more affordable and more accessible for all Americans while we stop the government’s takeover of our most personal healthcare decisions. This is about creating jobs and lowering taxes for America’s hard-working families.”

“We’ll be winning more elections all over the country in 2010,” Coleman said, “but we must not lose sight of the goal of recovering the liberties we’ve been losing one election, one bill, and one vote at a time. The time for compromise on fundamental freedoms has passed. We must use our victories as conservatives to recover what we’ve lost as Americans.”

*LCRC does not endorse any candidate until after the primary election. This post is for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes an endorsement by the LCRC. LCRC will post press releases from any Republican candidate who submits them to .

Joe the Plumber Campaigning for Col Conrad Reynolds

The following is a press release from the Reynolds campaign:

Conway- Republican United States Senate candidate Col. Conrad Reynolds (U.S. Army, Ret.) today announced further details regarding his upcoming Arkansas speaking tour with special guest Joe the Plumber.

Colonel Reynolds and Joe the Plumber will tour Arkansas for three days starting in Hot Springs Village on Monday January 25th and ending in Rogers on January 27th. Each event will feature speeches by Col. Reynolds, Joe, and members of the local community, followed by a chance for pictures and personal face time with Col. Reynolds and Joe.

Arkansans have demanded a candidate who not only has a message they can support, but a resume that proves they can get the job done once the elections are over and the real work begins. Please come and take this opportunity to find out more about Col. Reynolds and why he is the best guy for the job.

Monday (25 Jan 2010)

9:00am Hot Springs Village at the Coronado Community Center
150 Ponderosa Way, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909

11:30am Little Rock at the Little Rock Club
Ste 2435—30th Floor, 400 West Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201

7:00pm Little Rock at the Whole Hog Café
2516 Cantrell Road, Little Rock, AR 72202

Tuesday (26 Jan 2010)

9:00am Fairfield Bay at the VFW
2531 Highway 330 South Fairfield Bay, AR 72153

12:00pm Mountain Home the VFW
214 West 7th Street, Mountain Home, AR 72653

5:00pm Jonesboro at the Hilton Garden Inn
2840 South Caraway Road, Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA 72401

7:30pm Searcy at the Lightle Senior Center
2200 East Moore Avenue, Searcy, AR 72143

Wednesday (27 Jan 2010)

8:00am Fort Smith at the Holiday Inn
700 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith, AR 72901

11:45am Rogers at Mad Pizza
2603 West Pleasant Grove Road, Rogers, AR 72758
*LCRC does not endorse any candidate until after the primary election. This post is for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes an endorsement by the LCRC. LCRC will post press releases from any Republican candidate who submits them to .

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quorum Court Meeting Thursday--1/21

by Mark Edwards, JP District 13

I wanted to pass along the agenda for this months Quorum Court meeting. Please note that we have several areas of importance that will be coming up that all of the county needs to be aware of.

The first order of business is to pass an ordinance to allow the county judge to purchase the right of way from Larry Odom. This will dump traffic from HWY 67 South onto South Rockwood. This road is already a mess and not properly repaired and with heavy trucks exiting, I fear this road will get worse. This was never discussed or looked into by Larry Odom's traffic committee. It was discussed only by Larry and the county judge. The judge has offered to pay $60,000 for 1.59 acres of land which is roughly $40,000 per acre. The truck stop across the street just sold at a price of $25,000 per acre in November 2009. This seems too high a price to pay in my opinion for swamp land. Additionally, there is to be a clover leaf at this intersection in the future and spending the money now may be putting the kart before the horse.

The Leg Audit reported that a person in the sheriff's office was responsible for tracking certain money and about $67,000 is not accounted for. We will be asking questions about this money and procedures.

APERS and county retirement will be discussed as well. This will be Jerry Adams and Karol Depriest that you have all heard and read about in the news lately. This will likely go into executive session. It is our duty of the quorum court to ensure the office is being held constitutionally and if not to declare a vacancy.

These 3 areas of business specifically should be paid very close attention to. There are sweetheart deals being made in the county and what appears to be outright corruption going on by both Democrats in large part fro our County Judge down as well as Larry Odom in our own party. Please help hold our local elected accountable as this is getting more and more widespread.

Thank you all for caring.





6:30 P.M.







- None


- Ordinance to Authorize Judge to purchase right-away from Quorum Court Member

- Resolution for Right Away for Arkansas Highway Department

- Resolution for Larry and Sandra Odom

- Legislative Audit for 2009

- Health Insurance- Committee Chair

- Sheriff’s Department –Appropriation Ordinance for Seat Belt Safety Fund 01-5020

- Discussion- Apers Retirement for County Officials and Employees

- Appropriation Ordinance – New Cabot Health Department 171-171-87

- Appropriation Ordinance – Brownsville Branch Project 158-158-87

- Appropriation Ordinance – Justice Assistance Grant Fund 173-173-87




LCRC January Meeting Report

On Monday January 11, the Lonoke County Republican Committee held its first monthly meeting of the new year. Those in attendance had the pleasure of hearing from several elected officials, including State Rep. Davy Carter, and two of the nine Republican candidates for US Senator, State Senators Kim Hendren and Gilbert Baker.

Several local issues were discussed by local officials present. District 12 Justice of the Peace Henry Lang discussed the "double dipping" that recently hit the news by two county officials, a recent audit report showing a county office lost $67, 000, and a deal to be discussed at the next Quorum Court meeting to purchase property from sitting District 3 JP Larry Odom. The potential land deal seemed shady to several members of the committee and will be addressed in a future article announcing the Quorum Court meeting.

District 13 JP Mark Edwards informed the committee the contract for a new county jail had been awarded to a local contractor, GAG Builders of Cabot. Oak Grove Township Constable Vince Scarlata reported that crime was down across Lonoke County last year and, for the first time he could remember, no arrests for DWI were made on New Year's Eve.

District 48 State Representative Davy Carter reported on the upcoming legislative session. He promised that, because Arkansas voters approved this as a budget session, he would vote against any non-budget resolutions that are brought to the floor. Carter stated it may appear that he's voting against some good bills, but worries that bringing non-budgetary bills to the floor will "open a can of worms" that voters in Arkansas did not approve when they voted to hold annual legislative sessions. Carter also informed the committee the Blue Ribbon Highway Commission will be seeking tax increases that he will not support.

Committee members had the privilege of hearing two of the nine announced Republican candidates for Arkansas' US Senate seat this year, State Senators Kim Hendren and Gilbert Baker.

Senator Hendren spoke first, describing his political career and why he believes he'll make the best US Senator of the announced candidates. He first remarked that he is not a skilled politician. Hendren credited this for his off-the-cuff remarks that sometimes cause him grief. He promised he would serve no more than two terms if elected and said "If you don't take care of business you ought to be fired." Hendren said he's always been conservative, and would carry the conservative colors to Washington.

Baker spoke next, promising to stand against the liberal agenda currently pressed in DC and stressing that he could raise the money to mount a successful campaign against Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln this fall. He promised to stand against Card Check, Cap & Trade, and the health care bill. Without mentioning any names, Baker insinuated he is the best candidate because Jim Holt ran against Lincoln in 2004 and lost. He slipped in the fact that his campaign has raised $800,000 to promote himself as the most electable of the 9 candidates.

The Lonoke County Election Commission is looking for a place to set up about six machines to accommodate early voting in the county. Apparently, the City of Cabot is unwilling to provide city facilities for this purpose.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Vic Snyder to Retire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liberal heads continue to roll.

Last week, Senators Dorgan (D-SD) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) chose to retire rather than run for re-election in the wake of a conservative uprising in America. Their announcements followed the withdrawal of numerous Democrats who were planning to challenge sitting Republicans in 2010 in the House and Senate.

And today the shock waves of the conservative response to the Obamanation of the United States hit Arkansas. Shortly after the left-wing blog Firedoglake released a poll showing Rep. Vic Snyder (D-AR-02) down 17 points to Republican challenger Tim Griffin, Snyder released a statement saying he would not be seeking re-election this year.

Though it comes as no surprise to conservatives that Snyder is in trouble, the announcement was unexpected. Arkansas blogger Jason Tolbert speculates Democrat State Senator Shane Broadway may be interested in seeking the Democrat party's nomination. And other sources have mentioned Democrat Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter may throw his hat into the ring.

Though the poll cited above mentioned only Griffin as a potential challenger, the Republican field for Arkansas' 2nd District seat includes two others who hope to be the next Congressman to represent central Arkansas.

Army veteran David Meeks has been campaigning for the seat since last spring. He's often been seen shaking hands and speaking with voters at Tea Party events around the state. Known for carrying around a printed copy of the infamous HR 3200, the first of the health care bills made available to the public, he's become ll known to Arkansas' new conservative activists. Of Snyder's announcement Meeks said, "I would like to thank Vic Snyder for his years of service both in Congress and in the Military. This will not change our Constitutional Conservative message we have been campaigning on since the beginning."

Central Arkansas businessman Scott Wallace is the third Republican candidate in the race. The restaurant owner is active in the central Arkansas community, serving on several charity boards and volunteering as a reserve deputy sheriff in Pulaski County. Wallace responded to the news of Snyder's retirement on Facebook. His status update said, "The big news, Vic Snyder is retiring. We will just have to see who wants his spot. This will be interesting!! Let's WIN IN 2010!"

Griffin responded in the video seen here, "“We respect his decision and I thank him for his service both in uniform and in Congress.”

On Snyder's decision, Republican Party of Arkansas Chairman Doyle Webb stated, “We thank Congressman Snyder for his many years of public service and wish him and his family well. The Republican Party of Arkansas anticipates the people of the 2nd district will elect a new representative who will reflect their conservative views and values by voting for private sector job creation, reducing taxes, and preserving personal freedoms. Most importantly the people of Arkansas deserve a representative who is committed to defeating such policies as the proposed Obama-Reid-Pelosi healthcare scheme and working against expanding the role of federal government and thereby reducing the national deficit."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rep. Pete King (R-NY) Delivers Weekly Republican Address

Rep King: “We are a nation at war, and we should act like it. We need to pull together, remain vigilant, and send a clear signal – both to our friends and our enemies – that this government will stop at nothing to protect our homeland. That’s how America sets an example for the world.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Delivering the weekly Republican address, Rep. Pete King (R-NY) addresses the Obama Administration’s response to the terrorist plot to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 and the need for a real, comprehensive strategy to fight and win the war on terror. Rep. King is the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee; he also serves on the House Intelligence Committee.

Following is the text of Rep. King’s address:

“Hi, I’m Republican Congressman Pete King, I serve as the Ranking Member on the House Homeland Security Committee and I’m also a member of the House Intelligence Committee. I have the privilege to represent New York’s Third Congressional District, on Long Island in the suburbs of New York City.

“Two weeks ago, the terrorist plot to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in the skies over Detroit was thwarted by a combination of luck and vigilance. But as President Obama has rightly said, it should never have even gotten to that point. Last year, this terrorist’s father, a widely respected member of his community, went to our embassy in Nigeria and shared his concerns that his son was becoming a radical jihadist. That should have been more than enough to trigger a red flag that would prevent this terrorist from ever setting foot on a plane bound for the U.S. with explosives.

“Both parties recognize the need for answers, so bureaucratic reviews will take place and congressional hearings will be held. And while that’s all well and good, this is about much more than whether the no-fly list gets longer or it takes more time to get through the security line at the airport.

“This is about whether we’ve learned our lesson. Terrorists still have innocent people in their sights and the will to murder them. They are always working on the next attack, refining their methods, searching the globe for new recruits. In other words, September 11th is not ancient history – it’s all too real.

“So, the people in my community certainly get it. American families get it. And now it’s time for the Administration in Washington to stop sending mixed messages and get it too.

“One of the first things we need to do is pass the Keep Terrorists Out of America Act, a common-sense bill Republicans have proposed to prevent terrorists from being brought on to our soil. This bill would help stop the misguided plan to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 terrorists on trial in downtown Manhattan. It’s an enormous, unnecessary risk, as is housing terrorists at the proposed ‘Gitmo North’ facility near Chicago.

“There’s a good reason why the government has had such a hard time transferring these terrorist detainees to other countries. They are the worst of the worst. No one should want them. That’s why we put in place a process by which these terrorists should be held and tried – as enemy combatants, by military commissions.

“The Keep Terrorists Out of America Act will also help to ensure that we’re treating terrorism as what it is – a war crime, not a law enforcement issue. We can’t gather the intelligence we need to foil future attacks if we are blindly granting terrorists the right to remain silent. But for some reason, we’ve already done that with the terrorist who tried to bring down Flight 253.

“We are a nation at war, and we should act like it. We need to pull together, remain vigilant, and send a clear signal – both to our friends and our enemies – that this government will stop at nothing to protect our homeland. That’s how America sets an example for the world.

“Thank you for listening.”

Editorial Boards Weigh in on Democrats’ Decision to Break the President’s “C-SPAN Pledge”

From the Republican Leader's Blog
by Kevin Boland

Reports that President Obama and Democratic Congressional leaders have cut a deal to skip a formal Conference on their health care legislation - a flat violation of the President’s promise that such negations would be broadcast on C-SPAN for the American people to see - has provoked outrage across America.

Today, editorial boards from coast to coast weighed in, and - to say the least - they disagree with Speaker Pelosi’s assertion that “There has never been a more open process.”

A roundup of newspaper editorials from this morning’s papers follows:

Boston Herald: “Let Public in the Room”

"This administration - and Democratic leaders - talk a good game about transparency in government. Now they have an opportunity to practice it. If they’re going to throw the legislative rulebook out the window, at the very least they could give congressional Republicans a chance to watch the process on TV."

Investor’s Business Daily: “Let the Sun Shine”

"House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, has called the Democrats’ plan to bypass a conference committee a “shady backroom deal.” An overstatement? Hardly. One House Democratic aide told a blogger that “this process cuts out the Republicans.” The Democrats fear that if they follow the traditional route, the GOP could use the Senate filibuster rule to shut down the process of organizing the committee.

"Bypassing a conference committee also cuts out a public that will suffer losses from whatever monstrosity is produced by the cover of darkness. Americans stand to lose their power of choice over health care decisions and be stripped of a significant portion of their earnings to pay for a plan most don’t want. They deserve to see in an open forum what is being done to them. Instead, they’re likely to get whatever the Democrats want to force on them."

New York Daily News: “Ready for Prime Time”

"Candidate Barack Obama made a straightforward health care reform promise on the campaign trail in 2008: ‘We’ll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so the people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents and who is making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies.’ At the time, he hit all the right notes. Populism. Transparency. Good government. But today, President Obama is not quite with the program."

Las Vegas Review-Journal: “Broken Promise”

"What Americans don’t know — and what they won’t get to see — is how far Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi will go to get what they want. Taxpaying voters will be cut off from the decisive debate on a monstrous increase in consumer costs and federal authority. Can senators and representatives defend the economically impossible concepts they embrace — more health care, lower costs — in spontaneous, free-flowing discussions? Or will they simply push forward a slip of paper with the dollar amount needed to secure their support, as Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., already has?"

New York Post: “Dems Against Democracy”

"As DC Democrats slink behind closed doors to craft a final health-care bill — thousands of pages long and sure to sap the nation’s economic future — Americans need to ask: Just what are Dems so ashamed of? ‘We will do what is necessary to pass the bill,’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted, as she and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid moved to forgo a panel to finalize legislation. Instead, they’ll build their Frankenstein’s monster of a bill in secret, mocking democratic principles all the way."

The Wall Street Journal: “The Tom DeLay Democrats

"Evading conference has become standard operating procedure in this Congress, though you might think they’d allow for the more open and thoughtful process on what Mr. Obama has called ‘the most important piece of social legislation since the Social Security Act passed in the 1930s and the most important reform of our health-care system since Medicare passed in the 1960s’…Apparently this Congress knows no shame."

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 Republican Senate Race Heats Up in Arkansas

Big things are happening in the Republican race for US Senate in Arkansas. Blanche Lincoln's poll numbers are falling like a rock and even the liberal blog DailyKos is now calling on her to resign. According to The Tolbert Report though, Lincoln's organization doesn't seem to be making preparations to throw in the towel. Instead it appears to be digging in for what promises to be a difficult campaign.

Here's a rundown on the GOP field as it currently stands.

Jim Holt

The already crowded field will take one more player next week when Jim Holt formally announces his candidacy. From Arkansas Watch
Former State Senator Jim Holt, who led the GOP ticket in the 2006 statewide elections, will announce his candidacy in the 2010 U.S. Senate race at a series of events to be held January 14th.

Holt took 44% of the vote in his 2004 loss to Sen. Blanche Lincoln the last time she ran for re-election. Some are tagging him the best chance to beat Lincoln after her vote for Harry Reid's health care bill last month. That vote, combined with the general hostility to the Democrat Party, has many predicting Holt can fare much better in November than he did six years ago

Gilbert Baker

Holt's announcement may cause some Republicans in the state to rethink their positions. Many, like Bill Vickery, have been calling for other candidates to clear out and permit State Senator Gilbert Baker to preserve his cash and energy for a general election slug fest with Senator Lincoln. Vickery says "If the Republican Party doesn't clear the field and make Gilbert Baker the lone nominee, then we are foolish."

Most consider Baker the favorite in the race for now though. After his first place finish in the Republican Party of Arkansas' straw poll last month, and his double-digit lead over Lincoln in the latest Rasmussen poll, Vickery's not the only one who's tagging Baker the man to beat in this race.

Curtis Coleman

Though Vickery and others have placed their bets on Baker, central Arkansas businessman Curtis Coleman isn't showing any signs of throwing in the towel. Coleman remains active on social networking sites and continues to travel the state meeting voters. He continues to hammer away at Lincoln and tackle issues on his blog and has recently added several new members to his campaign team.

Recently, Coleman announced the appointment of Matt Lagrone as his campaign’s statewide Political Director. “I am delighted to have Matt help direct our statewide grassroots efforts. He is an experienced political professional and committed conservative who wants to change the way things are done in Washington,” Coleman said. And today announced the addition of Mike Hudome as media consultant for the campaign.

Colonel Conrad Reynolds

Last month the campaign started with a flurry of press releases demanding Lincoln address several issues, including insulting comments by high ranking Democrats in Arkansas and union attack ads against Gilbert Baker which included the publicizing of his home phone number. Reynolds' campaign demanded Lincoln abandon the secret negotiations to honor President Obama's previous calls for transparency in the health care debate.

Then the campaign went almost silent the latter half of the month after his campaign manager, K. Ryan James, announced he was stepping down to pursue other interests. We'd seen little activity in the news and on social networking sites where Reynolds had been active.

But the Colonel informs us he simply took a little time off and has no intention of bowing out of the race. He assures us he has a busy January planned, including Joe the Plumber coming in later this month to campaign for him. Reynolds also says, "You will notice a slight shift in priorities over the next few weeks -- a strategy that I believe will win me the primary."

Fred Ramey

Fred Ramey continues to travel the state and says "We are finding that a blue-collar conservative candidate with a sincere desire to make a difference for all Arkansans is exactly what many people want." Ramey remains convinced his blue-collar background and farming experience can beat Blanche Lincoln in the general election.

He admits he had hoped the candidate field would have narrowed by now, but says the campaign is making inroads. Not that he thinks the competition is a bad thing. In fact, he reiterates his committment to running a positive campaign and states that if the other candidates do likewise "this will strengthen the party’s hand now and in the future."

Kim Hendren

Kim Hendren points to his lead over Lincoln in the latest Rasmussen poll and claims others show him leading the GOP primary. His committment to the race was recently demonstrated when he pumped $200,000 of his own money into the campaign. Pointing to the fact that some of the money his competition has raised cannot be used in the primary, Hendren says his campaign cash gives him the advantage.

Hendren states he's developing a solid volunteer organization across the state, and says he's "especially honored to have state party vice-chairman Duane Neal serving as one of my key supporters and advisers."

He also tells us the campaign will soon announce upcoming fundraisers in Central Arkansas on February 4 and Northwest Arkansas on February 6.

Buddy Rogers

Buddy Rogers tells us he has no plans of throwing in the towel either. He's continuing to travel the state with upcoming events scheduled across the state. Rogers says his varied background in business, health care, and the military is resonating with voters. He says he's "gratified by increased name recognition and support as I travel the state."

Tom Cox

We were unable to contact Tom Cox for this article, but will include an update on his campaign as soon as it's available.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

CSPAN: Let's make good on Obama's promise of transparency

by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH)

Washington-Congressman John Boehner is strongly endorsing a request from the head of C-SPAN that the public have full access to health care negotiations as Democratic leaders continue to indicate they will shut the American people out and write a final bill behind closed doors.

“As House Republican Leader, I can confidently state that all House Republicans strongly endorse your proposal and stand ready to work with you to make it a reality,” Boehner wrote in response to a letter C-SPAN CEO Brian Lamb sent to congressional leaders. “Hard-working families won’t stand for having the future of their health care decided behind closed doors. These secret deliberations are a breeding ground for more of the kickbacks, shady deals and special-interest provisions that have become business as usual in Washington. Too much is at stake to have a final bill built on payoffs and pork-barrel spending.”

President Obama repeatedly promised on the campaign trail that health care reform negotiations would be public and broadcast on C-SPAN.

Transparency issues continue to dog Washington Democrats, who have compiled a troubling track-record of jamming through massive bills that have not been properly scrutinized. Boehner’s letter highlights the GOP’s congressional transparency initiative, a series of reform measures that includes a resolution introduced by Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) requiring that these health care negotiations be made open to the public.

The letter to C-SPAN Chairman and CEO Brian Lamb is available here and follows:

January 5, 2010

Brian Lamb
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, C-SPAN
400 N. Capitol St. NW
Suite 650
Washington, DC 20001

Dear Brian,

Thank you for your recent letter requesting that the American people have full access to health care reform negotiations. As House Republican Leader, I can confidently state that all House Republicans strongly endorse your proposal and stand ready to work with you to make it a reality.

C-SPAN’s role in fostering government transparency is so significant that on several occasions during the last presidential campaign, then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) pledged that health care reform negotiations would be broadcast on C-SPAN so the “American people will know what’s going on.”

Unfortunately, the President, Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Reid now intend to shut out the American people at the most critical hour by skipping a bipartisan conference committee and hammering out a final health care bill in secret.

Of course, every issue of national import should be debated by the people’s elected representatives in full public view, but this is especially true with something as personal and important as health care. Clocking in at a combined 4,765 pages, the House and Senate health care bills propose drastic and expensive changes in the way Americans live. Dozens of differences between the two bills have been identified, including fundamental changes to the patient-doctor relationship.

Hard-working families won’t stand for having the future of their health care decided behind closed doors. These secret deliberations are a breeding ground for more of the kickbacks, shady deals and special-interest provisions that have become business as usual in Washington. Too much is at stake to have a final bill built on payoffs and pork-barrel spending.

As you know, congressional transparency has long been a concern of citizens and congressional observers, but never before has the need for reform been more apparent than in the past year under the Democratic majority. Republicans have listened to the American people and are committed to making Congress more accountable to the people it serves. In November, we proposed a congressional transparency initiative, a series of reform measures that includes a resolution introduced by Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) requiring that these health care negotiations be made open to the public. While you await a response from Speaker Pelosi, we will continue to call on her to allow a vote on Rep. Buchanan’s resolution.

Since the first New England town meetings of the colonial era, open government has been a hallmark of American democracy. Over the last 30 years, C-SPAN has helped continue and strengthen that tradition. The American people are well served by your continued vigilance in this matter.


John Boehner
Member of Congress
Republican Leader, U.S. House of Representatives

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January Monthly Meeting

The Lonoke County Republican Committee will hold its regular monthly meeting on January 11, 2010 at 7:00 pm at Grandpa's BBQ in Cabot. The committee will be setting filing fees for the upcoming elections and continuing the search for a speaker for the annual Lincoln Day Dinner.

Below are links to minutes from the December Committee meeting and the agenda for the January meeting.

December Minutes

January Agenda