You may have noticed the tide is turning on President Obama and his Democratic allies of late. Many have now announced his health care "reform," more affectionately known as Obamacare, is dead unless he gives up his much heralded public option. His administration has floated trial balloons for that idea and those balloons have been quickly shot down by the far left of the Democratic party. The left-wing Democrats' definition of bipartisanship appears to be everyone jumping aboard their ship. Now they're threatening to trash Senate tradition and use what they have termed the "nuclear option" to pass Obama's unpopular reform.
Much of the President's reversal of legislative fortunes can be attributed to the populist movement evidenced in protests and town halls across the nation. Democrats and liberal special interests have tried in vain to first sway these voices, then discredit them, and finally frighten them into silence. None of their disreputable tactics have worked. The protests continue and voters who know more about the legislation than do their elected representatives continue to show up to town halls and refute the outright lies passed off by Democrats in Congress.
Your chance to be one of those standing up to ward off the President's attempt to nationalize our health care system is at hand. This Friday, September 4th, at 6:00 pm hundreds will gather on the steps of the state Capitol to make their elected officials aware of their dissatisfaction with the way things are going in Washington.
The Tea Party Express bus tour is en route on a 7,000 mile winding trek from Sacramento, CA to Washington, DC. The tour will end in DC on September 12 to coincide with the 9/12 Taxpayer March on DC. But we are fortunate enough to be a part of this historic movement this Friday.
So join us on Friday. Bring signs if you like, but the main thing needed is numbers to make a statement that can no longer be ignored by our representatives in DC.
The Tea Party Express national bus tour will host a series of tea party rallies all across the nation. The effort will begin in California and travel eastward, building momentum as the tour reaches its final destination: the big 09.12.09 Taxpayer March on D.C.
At each stop the tour will highlight some of the worst offenders in Congress who have voted for higher spending, higher taxes, and government intervention in the lives of American families and businesses. These Members of Congress have infringed upon the freedom of the individual in this great nation, and its time for us to say: "Enough is Enough!"
The "Tea Party Express" tour will feature leaders in the anti-tax, conservative, tea party movement along with musical performances of "American Tea Party Anthem" and "A Bailout Song" at each tea party event.
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