Thursday, December 2, 2010

Beebe to Arkansans: You want your roads fixed, vote for tax increases!

That's right Arkansas!

The governor the press repeatedly told you was a conservative during the months leading up to last month's elections says he'll "fight any attempt" to pay for necessary road repairs without raising taxes. However, he is offering Natural State voters the opportunity to hand over more of their money to the state if they want their potholes filled.

Beebe's demand that Arkansans pay more in taxes comes in the wake of the final report released by the Blue Ribbon Highway Commission. The report is the culmination an 18 month study to find ways to fund repairs of Arkansas' crumbling highways. But, Americans for Prosperity--Arkansas points out the commission offered one suggestion that would not involve the confiscation of more taxpayer dollars by the state.

One of the five recommendations to pay for fixing Arkansas' roads suggested shifting money from the state's general fund to cover the necessary repairs, instead of raising taxes. According to the Associated Press article linked above, this is the only proposal in the report Beebe has emphatically refused to consider...promising to "fight" any attempt to repair highways without raising taxes.

The supposed "conservative" Democrat governor appears to embrace the very "liberal Democrat" philosophy that any good idea involves raising taxes! Call Governor Beebe and tell him Arkansans can't afford tax increases of any kind in the midst of an economic downturn.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Lonoke County Republican Committee would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful to live in the greatest country in the world and we are thankful for all of those who continuously strive to make it and keep it so!

May God bless America and all of you on this day of Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Which candidate for Cabot mayor is a Republican?

Today, both candidates for mayor of Cabot are claiming to be Republicans. For one, there's no doubt the title applies. But digging a little deeper makes it appear the other may only be trying to ride the coattails of the recent Republican tsunami to victory by using the moniker.

Stubby Stumbaugh is the current chairman of the Lonoke County Republican Committee. He was elected as a Republican and served a previous term as mayor of Cabot before the City Council voted to make all city elections non-partisan. Stumbaugh passed up the opportunity to seek a second term to lead the city when he opted to carry the GOP banner and challenge then-Democrat congressman Marion Berry in the 2006 race to represent Arkansas' 1st Congressional District.

As for Bill Cypert, it's hard to find any evidence that he's a Republican. In fact, a Google search for such evidence turns up one recent article in the Cabot Star-Herald that states Cypert claims to be "a 40-year Republican." And that article, with Cypert's claim, only surfaced AFTER the historic GOP victory on election night.

But that's it. An online search of for political donations by Cypert turns up empty. There's no other evidence to support his claim.

So, is Cypert's last minute claim of being a Republican for real? We'll let you decide, but first we'll point to one more piece of evidence that may tell the ultimate tale. A quick peek at the two candidates' Facebook pages makes clear that, at the very least, Cypert isn't as willing to wear the Republican tag as Stumbaugh.

On every member's profile, Facebook offers a place to proclaim one's political affiliation. The following pictures are screenshots of both candidates' Facebook profile pages on 11/18/2010 at 10 PM.

There's one candidate who's been unashamedly a Republican for years and there's another who claims the label only when it's the popular thing to do. When it's politically expedient.

If you want a Republican to fill the mayor's seat in Cabot, Stubby Stumbaugh is the only sure bet. Vote for Stubby Stumbaugh on November 23!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2010 Elections Not Over Yet!

It's time to rally the troops again.

Lonoke County came through strong and sent a clear message that conservatism reigns here. Even the local press was forced to concede the local Republican party gave a good old-fashioned beating to its Democrat opposition. But the victory is not yet complete.

GOP candidates defeated Democrats for the offices of County Judge, Sheriff, Assessor, Circuit Clerk, and Prosecuting Attorney. It's safe to say that Lonoke County has now turned red!

But the election isn't over yet. In Cabot, a runoff election will be held to decide the next mayor on November 23. Early voting begins Tuesday, November 16 from 8:30 to 4:30.

There is one Republican candidate in the race, Mickey "Stubby" Stumbaugh. Stumbaugh is the current chairman of the Lonoke County Republican Committee and needs you to be sure and vote in this important race. You can learn more about Stumbaugh and what he will do for Cabot on his website and his Facebook page.

Be sure to help bring true conservative Republican leadership to Cabot and vote Stubby for Mayor in the upcoming runoff!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Boozman, Crawford to Visit Cabot Saturday

It's the final weekend before the Arkansas primary and candidates want your vote. US Senate candidate John Boozman and candidate for Arkansas' 1st Congressional District Rick Crawford both plan to visit Cabot Saturday.

Boozman's bus tour will stop at the Cabot City Annex from 9:00-9:45 am and Crawford will visit with voters from 4:30-5:00 pm at a location to be determined.

Crawford also plans a campaign stop in the northern Lonoke County city on Monday in a final push for votes before Tuesday's primary election.

John BoozmanRick Crawford

Tags: Rick Crawford, John Boozman, Cabot, Republican, GOP, Primary Election, Arkansas, Election 2010

Hat Tip: Lonoke County Republican Committee

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Vote Early, Vote Now

The following is a video message from Doyle Webb, Chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas, encouraging voters to Vote Early, Vote Now!

Tags: Early Voting, Doyle Webb, RPA, Republican, GOP, Primary Election, Arkansas, Election 2010

Hat Tip: Lonoke County Republican Committee